Medical Equipment Company Evaluates China Market Potential.

Polish Medical Company has developed innovative product used in orthopedics, dentistry, and veterinary medicine. They have secured sales in Poland and are now considering international expansion. One of the target countries is China. Prior to developing sales in the PCR, the company board of directors requires pre-entry preparations: Chinese trademark registration and a market analysis report.


Polish Medical Company


December 2022 - Now


China: Beijing, Shanghai

Project type

Market Entry

7thConsulting advised registering a trademark in Latin font and its Chinese characters' representation, and finally, it assisted with the required procedures. After starting the trademarks registration procedures, 7thConsulting continued with the market entry report.

The scope of the report included orthopedics, dentistry, and veterinary medicine. 7thConsulting gained access to Chinese government medical databases, available reports, and published articles. Additionally, its representative made online inquiries with the medical equipment registration institution and visited its offices located in Beijing.

The market entry report took shape. It contains comparisons of customer's and competitors' products, an estimated market size, existing competitors and their profiles, available sales channels, and entry barriers (product registration and customs requirements).

As a result, the customer received information containing a description of the Chinese market and a low-cost path to immediate sales of its products in China.

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